Colored Sand Creations

About a month ago I posted a picture from my cell phone of my son using LIQUID WATERCOLORS to color his sand castles, but I never blogged about it.  I set it up as an invitation for him today (Im still lacking in cool sand molds, but he doesn't care) so here it is. 

The Invitation

He asked for help building the molds.  So I have no pics of that part, but here is is spraying his creations.  He said the orange one is a building.

Spraying his "castle"

The blue part is his "waterfall"

The large orange one is a volcano.  He later poked a hole in the top. 

At the end of this activity I realized I was quite happy about not having fancy sand molds - as they may have limited his creativity.  I loved watching his "city with a waterfall and a volcano" emerge from his own imagination.