Backyard Games

My girls are very interested in letters lately... especially my 3 year old.  We did an INDOOR LETTER HUNT a few months back that we play often.  Since the weather has been warmer I thought we would take the hunt outside!  

To make the letters I purchased Marking Chalk from Amazon.

I created an alphabet checklist they could use to mark off the letters they found.  

"I found letter P!  Let me see here.... where is it?"

"I found it!"

Letter P in the grass

Letter S in the mulch.

The girls searching for letters. 

"I found letter V under the trampoline.  That was a tricky one."

We also made some fun games.  

Backyard Hopscotch

I also buried a few letters in our garden.  

X marks the spot!

My oldest loved digging for "treasures".  We plan to do a treasure hunt dig next.  :-)  Stay tuned!