Glass Sculptures


Recycled Jars
Hot glue gun

My daughters often glue gems to paper to create their art.  My oldest gets frustrated sometimes when she glues them onto a piece of paper... and the paper flops all over when she picks it up.  This led to a conversation about what we could use that would be more sturdy.  She suggested that we put them on glass frames.  She has done this before with our WINDOW ART.   I didn't have any glass frames on hand so I suggested the baby food jars.  We have saved up quite a few over the past month or so.  She learned very quickly that elmer's glue was not going to work, and again became frustrated.  We went through a few more possible solutions using tape and band-aids before I asked if she would like to use the glue gun.  (Big Smile)  "YES, that will work!"  I don't have pictures of our attempts because it was spur of the moment.  She helped set up the following INVITATION  below.  

***PLEASE only do what you are comfortable with.  I have taught my daughter the proper way to use a glue gun and I have complete confidence in her capabilities. ***


The Invitation

Picking out gems

Gluing and...


Gluing and...

sticking.  Quite a simple process!  :-)  

This is my middle girls creation (26 Months).  I don't have pictures with her because I was too busy showing her the proper way to use the glue gun.  

These are VERY strong.  I even tried pulling one apart because she decided she wanted a piece a little lower and it was NOT budging. 

My oldest made a cross.  (3.5 years)