Story Time

We've been telling a lot of stories lately.  My girls loved the

invitation and revisit it over and over and over again.  I wanted to give them yet another way to put their creative thoughts out there.  It led me to this..

Story invitation

I placed random objects out with a few play people and animals.  

A few empty clear containers, bark, play people/animals, acorn tops, feathers,  and painted corn kernels.  

Play dough, empty jewelry box, blue gems, small skewers, random bottle tops, and bingo chips.  

I had no idea where this was going to take them but it sure was fun watching!  Here is my 26 month old telling her story.

She only used a couple of the objects in her play.  She was very literal with them (LOL).  "The man is jumping off the blue block.... weeeeee."  

Then it was my oldest's turn.  She played with this ALL day today.  :-)  

When she tells stories she often acts/plays out what is going on in her every day life.  

"Zookeeper feeding the animals"
"Balance beam"
"Babysitter taking care of the baby on the feather."  

All of these things represent what has been going on in our lives recently.  

They also ask me to tell stories, which they love listening too.  A wonderful change to sitting down and reading a book!