I posted a picture of us doing this activity on our Facebook wall a few weeks ago, but never blogged about it. Today my son asked me, "Mommy, can we make the great big giant tree of light again". I didn't know what he was talking about until he ran and started pulling out the projector. There was no "invitation", but you can very well set one up any way you like. I used a chalk marker to draw the tree directly onto the projector....and he chose all the "ornaments". He also added snowflakes this time (our DIY magnet snowflakes, that we made like THIS).
snowflakes added
adding translucent mosaic tiles as ornaments
on the other side of the shower curtain liner checking things out
he put the yellow square on the bottom and told me it was a present and that it had a weed eater in it
he told me the blue piece was a jingle bell, then held it to his ear and shook it
he decided to take out the magnetic circles for more ornaments
using magnets to "undecorate" the tree
he really enjoyed decorating it and then using the magnets to take off the "ornaments"
toward the end he was only using the magnetic circles as ornaments and using the magnetic wand to take them off